what we do

our promise to you

glass jar releasing stars to represent magic happening when HR is done right

when HR is done right, magic happens.

As HR experts with more than 15 years of experience, we’ve seen the right HR programs transform the energy of the workplace, where people consistently go above and beyond for their company. We’re all about making that magic happen for clients that share our belief in prioritizing their people. They’re not just the key to your success, they are your success.

our core hr services

hr services customized for you

We live and breathe all things HR, but our core HR services are what set us apart and can be tailored to your needs.

hr advisor

We’ll be the go-to senior HR advisor that your staff can rely on for timely, trusted answers to all their HR questions.
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diversity, equity, inclusion

We help organizations that are ready to put in the time and commitment needed to do DEI right and help them turn their goals into reality.
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From an employee recognition program to an HR system implementation, we’re all about getting projects, big and small, done effectively from start to finish.
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training + workshops

We’ll help empower your team to excel in their roles with HR workshops covering topics such as employee engagement, diversity, management skills and more. Learn more

need something else?

With our network of independent consultants and coaches, we’ll leverage our subject matter experts as needed to give you the convenience of a one-stop solution.

what our clients are saying

“As a small nonprofit, we are still improvising our HR practices and learning as we go. We need one-on-one support that is tailored to our needs and an emphatic hand that can guide us towards best practices as we grow. Monday Morning is everything we had dreamed for. Alice is able to provide timely and clear HR guidance for us, showing deep knowledge and understanding of the strength and pain points of a small nonprofit. I highly recommend Alice's service!!”

— Betty Xie, Board Chair, Regent Park Film Festival

“We've always done HR casually which worked "fine" until we had our first restructuring. Then, I felt lost and way out of my league in trying to navigate how to manage things like layoffs and changes to our team. It was amazing being able to call Alice and the Monday Morning team and have experts there to guide me through, protect my business, and make sure my team was well cared for. I only wish I discovered them earlier!”

— Cindy Wagman, President & CEO, The Good Partnership

why clients choose us

rocket representing HR consultants building great workplaces for businesses as they grow

we build great workplaces.

We’ve helped companies build HR from the ground up and re-imagine and redesign complex legacy programs. Our hands-on experience creating envy-worthy HR programs for companies big and small across 6+ industries means we have the skills to create meaningful programs that will resonate with your people. We’ll roll up our sleeves to plan, design, build and launch programs and services that will scale as you grow.

Great place to work, here we come!

pie chart representing data being turned into insights by HR consultants

we turn data into insights that take you to the next level.

We’re data driven and have used insights to develop business cases to get buy-in for investment in people programs. Be it employee surveys, pulse feedback, stay interviews or exit interviews - we share with leaders what their staff really feel and think (anonymously, of course). We’re critical thinkers who will dig deep to help our clients get the most out of their data.

yoga pose representing peace of mind provided by HR consultants

we provide peace of mind.

Let’s be honest, when it comes to HR, things can go from good to catastrophic, and very quickly. You want an experienced professional to manage those bumps (or mountains) and rest easy knowing things are under control. We’ve helped clients manage through tough performance conversations, terminations, workplace investigations, mergers, downsizing and more. We’ll help you skillfully manage these situations with heart and support you and your people along the way.

we’ll build as much or as little as you need

We provide packaged services at set rates, so there are no surprises.

mondays just got better

ready to speak with an HR expert?

We’d love to hear your goals and help grow your business with our comprehensive, customizable HR services. Send us this form or email hello@mondaymorning.ca and we’ll be in touch the same day.

want to partner with us?

We love partnering with those committed to building great workplaces. Contact us if you’re a consultant looking for expertise or support with one of your clients or projects.